i am using ANGRYFAIC to show my angwiness.
so im audiosurfing rockstar cos im bored, (the nickelback song- if uve not heard it uve been livin undr a very large rock) and contemplating how it was completely ruined. not that the song was ruined, but more the experience of the song. i mean, at first, it was great. here in gweat bwitain we had rockstar on our compluters b4 the album came out. and we all thought it was totally rockin. but then the album came out, and they completly overplayed it on the radio, and now the final nail in the rockstar coffin is a dfs commercial. the song was on A FREAKIN SOFA COMMERCIAL. so now its dead. well, as i say, the experience is. ll i can hope for nw is that every1 will just let it die from the public eye with dignity, and in 5 or 6 years we'll all listen to it again and forget about the horrible corporate bullshite it became.
I agree with you that they play the same goddamn songs over and over and it always kills the song forever.